This year we would like to offer you the possibility to get a hold of some spiritual input by listening to short podcasts in English and German to devotions.
We hope that you will enjoy them.
Sunday 1st March
“There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.” – Acts 4:12
You’ve cheered for your favorite football team through the good times and the bad. You’ve faithfully supported them with t-shirts, bumper stickers and a flag. The year finally comes when they make it to the Super Bowl! With your face painted and team colors on, you drive the distance to the game.
Overwhelmed with emotions, you arrive at the stadium anticipating the ultimate experience. But when you get to the gate, the attendant asks for your ticket. “Ticket? Isn’t my support good enough? Won’t my cheering get me in? I know the players and coach by name! Why do I still need a ticket?”
Out of the crowd, a stranger approaches and hands you his ticket. He paid the price so that you could enter. You gratefully accept it and go in.
I don’t stand a chance of getting into Heaven on my own efforts, and neither do you. That’s why God sent a Savior to pay our price so that we could enter His gates. That’s good news!
Acts 10:43 says that all who believe in Jesus will be forgiven of their sins through Jesus’ name. The price has been paid for you; all you need to do is believe in Jesus and let Him be your Savior. Then follow Him as your Lord until you meet in eternity.
1.What’s the nicest gift someone ever bought for you?
2.Do you believe that Jesus paid the price for your sins so you could be with Him forever?
3.Have you told others about this gift?
-Matthew 7:7-11
-Luke 2:8-11
-Romans 10:9
“Father, thank You for sending Jesus to pay the price for me. I don’t deserve to be with You in Heaven, but I accept the entrance gratefully. Help live a life worthy of You and to share Your good news with others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Nike (deutsch)
Saturday 29th February
Anxious and Worried / Converse (deutsch)
Friday 28th February
Balance again? / New Balance (deutsch)
Thursday 27th February
Das Herz
Devotion: What are you thinking about
„Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.“
-Philippians 4:6-8 (NLT)
Do you ever worrying about things you can’t control? I find myself in a frequent state of anxiety, worrying about things that (more often than not) never happen. I often pray and „give“ these situations to God, but then I unintentionally take them back, thinking I have the answer.
God’s word specifically tells us that we should not be anxious. It commands us to pray about everything with thanksgiving. When you’re in a losing season or a failing marriage, or you are grieving the loss of a loved one, it’s difficult to be thankful. It’s much easier for all of us to ask God why we’re going through these battles and then tell Him what we think He ought to do to remedy the situation. Only when we allow Him to have total control will we find peace in our lives.
As believers in Christ, we are supposed to be a source of encouragement to others. We cannot do this when our thoughts are focused on things that keep our hearts in turmoil. Philippians 4:8 doesn’t mention any of the things that cause us anxiety; however, the verse lists some wonderful traits for us to dwell on: the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.
As you go through your day today, intentionally make God your number-one priority. Build every aspect of your day around your relationship with Him. Live each moment focusing on the things that are true (not the gossip you heard at practice), honorable (not the lies that you convince yourself are truth), right (the absolutes, not the gray areas that you often try to make right), pure (not corrupt), lovely (things that make God smile), and admirable (things that will please God and improve your reputation as a follower of Christ).
If you’re thinking on the things in verse 8, I can assure you that there will be no room in your head or your heart for anxiety.
1.What are the things that cause you to be anxious? Are they things of the flesh/world or things of God?
2.How can we intentionally focus on the traits in Philippians 4:8 and rid ourselves of the negative thougths that often corrupt our minds?
3.Are you at peace with Christ? Are you allowing Him to guard your heart and mind as you live in Him?
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